Gift Bundle Basket
Gift Bundle Basket
1 Gratitude Candle (14 ounces)
1 Signature Intention Candle (14 ounces)
1 Present Intention Spray (4 ounces)
*Order is gift wrapped in a basket with gold bow.
Product Information:
Gratitude: This candle is poured over raw carnelian to bring warmth to our spirit. As we lead with gratitude, we find joy and blessings in all aspects of our journey. With each light, we thank the universe for all that we are and all that we will be. With gratitude all things are possible. Ingredients: marigold, sage
Signature Intention: Create a sacred space with an open mind and heart to embody this intention. Visualize the flame as a symbol of your commitment to the intention for you and the collective. Inhale and repeat your intention, exhale and release all blockages. Allow the fragrance to lift your spirit and enhance your consciousness on how to manifest it in the physical world. Ingredients: sage, frankincense, ginger
Present Intention Spray: This 4 ounce intention spray is poured over citrine to ground our spirit as we release the past. We suggest shaking the spray before each use to activate the crystals. We intentionally give our spirit the light and permission to live in the now. We are not burdened by the expectations of the future, nor chained to the past. Allowing ourselves to be present is a purposeful act of self love. Ingredients: rose, geranium and violet.
Additional Info:
Reiki Energy: All Candles and Sprays are sealed with Reiki energy by a Reiki Master Practitioner to invoke healing properties.
Candle Burn Time: 50-55 hours for 14.5 ounce candles
LEARN MOREOur candles are unique for a variety of reasons, but most importantly because they are both intention and healing candles. From the design, to the intention and the healing properties that are purposefully part of the experience - it's unique to say the least. So what is a healing candle?
LEARN MOREOur goal is to help facilitate a connection with the universe to support your journey. Whether you are setting intention, embarking on a healing journey, or just simply trying to elevate your vibrations, here are some suggestions to make the most of your experience. It's more than ust lighting a match!
LEARN MOREReiki therapy is based on an Eastern belief that vital energy flows through your body. Energy healing targets the flow of energy and removes blockages. Improving the flow of energy in and around the body can enable relaxation, reduce pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness.